Hand Cleaners & Lotions


MicroNova offers a full line of hand cleaners and sanitizers. They range from general purpose for commercial and industrial settings to the critical for cleanrooms and healthcare. The Touch-Free dispenser consistently delivers a pre-measured dose of solution into the palm. Contact us for information on the following:

MicroNova Dispenser
Style Description Size Pack Qty
IC-220 AquaHol 50 ml 6/case
IC-210S NovaClenz To-Go 2 oz. 24/case
IC-420 Hy-G-Clenz 500 ml 6/case
IC-110 NovaDyne 500 ml 6/case
IC-120 LoNa Soap 500 ml 6/case
ICDISP-3 M-Zone MicroDispenser -- Each
ICDISP-3S MicroDispenser Stand -- Each


Physical & Chemical PropertiesAquaHolHy-G-ClenzLoNa SoapNovaDyneNovaClenz
Physical State:LiquidLiquid LiquidLiquidliquid
Color:ColorlessWhite, pearlescentClearPinkClear
Odor:Alcohol-likeClean & freshn/aFloralAlcohol-like
pH:778.25.66 to 8.5
Melting Point:-90°C (-130°F)n/a0°C (32°F)n/an/a
Boiling point:83°C (181.4°F)>100°C (>212°F)99°C (210.2°F)>100°C (>212°F)77.78°C (172°F)
Flash Point:Closed cup: 18°C (64.4°F) [Pensky-Martens]n/an/an/aClosed cup: 18°C (64.4°F) [Pensky-Martens]
Evaporation Rate:n/a10.71>1
Flammability (solid, gas)n/an/an/an/an/a
Lower explosive limits:2%n/an/an/an/a
Upper explosive limits:12%n/an/an/an/a
Vapor pressure @ room temp.:4.1 kPa (30.753 mm Hg)n/a2.3kPa (17.1 Hg)n/an/a
Vapor Density:n/an/a0.62n/an/a
Relative Density:0.8751.041.0251.010.89
Solubility:Cold water & Hot waterCold water & Hot waterCold water & Hot waterCold water & Hot waterCold water & Hot water
Partition coefficient: noctanol/watern/an/an/an/an/a
Auto-ignition temperature:425°C (797°F)n/an/an/an/a
Decomposition temperature:n/a.n/an/an/an/a
Viscosity:n/an/an/an/aDynamic 12000 to 22000 mPa-s (1200 to 22000 cP)
VOC (w/w): 74.2%n/a0.04%n/a