
AlphaSat® Presaturated Wipers

Ultralow particle-generating characteristics and low extractable level pre-wetted wipers.

  • Polyester
  • Presaturated with 70% semiconductor-grade isopropyl alcohol
  • Superior strength with ultralow particle generation
  • Reclosable bag
  • Texwipe holds ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registrations.
Texwipe AlphaSat Wipes
Style Description Size Pack Qty
TX1034 AlphaSat® 4 in. x 4 in. 200 wipes/bag; 4 bags/case
TX1036 AlphaSat® 6 in. x 6 in. 75 wipes/bag; 12 bags/case
TX1039 AlphaSat® 9 in. x 9 in. 50 wipes/bag; 4 bags/case


Technical Data

PropertyTypical ValueTest Method*
Particles and Fibers
LPC; ≥0.5 µm8.4 x 106 particles/m21, TM22
Fibers: >100 µm2,000 fibers/m22, TM22
Nonvolatile Residue
IPA extractant0.06 g/m21, TM1
DIW Extractant0.01 g/m21, TM1
Sodium0.15 ppm1, TM18
Potassium0.03 ppm1, TM18
Chloride0.10 ppm1, TM18
PropertyTypical ValueText Method*
Sorptive capacity530 mL/m21, TM20
Sorptive rate<0.3 seconds1, TM20
Basis Weight158 g/m21, TM20

*Test Methods

1 – “Evaluating Wiping Materials Used in Cleanroom and Other Controlled Environments,” IEST-RP-CC004.3, Institute for Environmental Sciences and Technology, Rolling Meadows, IL, 2004; www.iest.org.

2 – E2090-12, “Standard Test Method for Size-Differentiated Counting of Particles and Fibers Released from Cleanroom Wipers Using Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy,” ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2012; www.astm.org.

TM – Refers to Texwipe Test Method – available upon request. Contact Texwipe Customer Service at www.texwipe.com or [email protected] for a copy.

Note: The data in this table represent typical analyses.

For non-sterile products:

  • TX1034, TX1036, TX1039 – fi lled using USP grade IPA.
  • TX7031 – filled using Semiconductor grade IPA.